Air (PCM & TEM)

Air sample testing

Air sample testing is conducted in working zones and in ambient air

Air sample testing is conducted in working zones and in ambient air. These are essential to determine if the air quality in the tested area is safe or contaminated. An air test may be conducted inside or outside an asbestos abatement work zone and serves to quantify the air quality in terms of total fibres.

The air is filtered through a cassette containing a filter in which is then analyzed and quantified.

Laboratoire Silica proposes for air sample testing a total fibre count according to IRSST method 243-1.

If needed and in order to identify the type of fibres found on the cassettes, it is possible to proceed with a Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) analysis according to the NIOSH 7402 method. This analysis is subcontracted to a recognized laboratory.

Bulk Materials (PLM) analysis

Asbestos can be found in a large number of various construction materials.

Air (PCM & TEM) analysis

Air sample testing is conducted in working zones and in ambient air.

Floor tiles (TEM) analysis

Certain floor tiles must be analysed by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM).

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10013, avenue Bruxelles,
Montreal (Quebec) H1H 4R1




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